IEBC Partnership Seeks to Sustain and Institutionalize Caring Campus

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Institute for Evidence-Based Change Chief Operating Officer Ken Sherwood presents with past 4CS president Trisha Albertsen at a concurrent Caring Campus session in 2022.

Our longtime partner, California Community Colleges Classified Senate (4CS), is producing a guide outlining strategies for community colleges to sustain and institutionalize Caring Campus beyond its initial implementation, integrating principles and strategies into the college’s culture for long-term effectiveness.


4CS is a nonprofit organization made up of volunteers from across the California Community College system who advocate for shared governance for all classified professionals.

“Our partnership with IEBC is incredibly valuable because, as the overarching organization that has connections to each community college, 4CS can work one-on-one with classified professionals and continue promoting Caring Campus principles after the initial coaching sessions,” said Trisha Albertsen, past 4CS president and Chaffey College accountant.

4CS has brought together classified professionals from across California to work on the Caring Campus guidebook, which will focus on five main areas: how to work and collaborate with leadership, going beyond the standard commitments, supervisor participation, celebration of classified professionals, and Caring Campus under a classified committee.

Together, these topics are designed to help community colleges sustain their Caring Campus work by providing guidelines on how to engage with and successfully implement the program.

“I would like to thank IEBC for bringing classified professionals into a leading role for this important work,” Albertsen said. “Classified professionals are often overlooked on our college campuses, and to be included in something as crucial as Caring Campus makes us feel seen.”

4CS plans to release its Caring Campus sustainability and institutionalization guide in June 2024.

Click HERE to read the full press release.