Data Informed at State Center Community College District and the College of DuPage

IEBC’s Brad Phillips and Jordan Horowitz recently conducted several data use retreats. The first was for the State Center Community College District (SCCCD) in California where they worked with administrators, faculty and staff from a variety of departments and divisions to better understand the use of leading and lagging indicators and their role in strategic planning. The outcome was a list of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) the SCCCD Board of Trustees could monitor to improve student success. This list of KPI’s also were aligned to the metrics from the California  Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office.

The second retreat was at the College of DuPage in Illinois and included these popular workshops: Data Use DemystifiedLeading and Lagging IndicatorsTelling Your Story with Data, and Introducing Data into Meetings. Faculty participants at the college can now support their colleagues to drive data-informed student success efforts.

The response to both retreats from participants was extremely positive. Groups noted gains in their knowledge of the topics and their ability to apply what they learned. One participant noted this was, “One of the best outside organization professional development retreats I have participated in.”