Temple College students are benefitting from the tools and techniques of Caring Campus. Temple President Dr. Christy Ponce implemented Caring Campus to increase student retention at the Texas college in 2023, and presented about the success of the program at the NISOD conference along with IEBC Chief Operating Officer Ken Sherwood.
LONG BEACH, CA – Higher education staff, faculty, and administrators from across the country gathered at the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) conference on May 28 to learn about IEBC’s Caring Campus and its impact on student retention and success.
“Research is very clear that students come – and stay — where they feel welcome and cared about, thereby making them more likely to graduate,” Ken Sherwood, IEBC Chief Operating Officer, said. “Relationships built with students and co-workers as a result of Caring Campus behaviors significantly impact college operations and student success.”
Temple College president Dr. Christy Ponce presented alongside Sherwood at the NISOD conference, sharing real-world examples and success stories from her college’s implementation of Caring Campus.
“Caring Campus is one of the best investments in student success that a college can make,” Dr. Ponce said. “The program provides practical strategies that I believe every institution should adopt to better connect with students and enhance their experiences. When students have positive experiences, they are more likely to stay enrolled and complete their educational journey.”
This year marks the third consecutive year IEBC has presented at NISOD, highlighting the impact and relevance of Caring Campus.
“This national platform at NISOD is a fantastic opportunity to showcase our Caring Campus work to a larger audience,” Sherwood said. “Presenting here has allowed us to connect with educators from across the country who are eager to learn and implement effective strategies for student success.”
Click HERE to read the full press release.